![]() conference
Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds
Accepted Paper: H48-04.
To panel H48.
Title of paper:
Bridging the research-policy gap: is university-produced social science research being utilized by policy makers and practitioners in Kenya?
Long abstract paper: Universities play a critical role in knowledge production through research, and are generally regarded the main knowledge-producing institutions in society. Such knowledge is however, only useful if it relates to the problems faced by humanity, offers solutions to the problems and informs the policy-making process. Consequently, a key concern in assessing the health and contribution of the university education system in a country is its research production. Social science research knowledge in particular, offers policy-makers a rich source of ideas and theory that can contribute to policies and practices that are more relevant and socially efficacious. In the Kenya Vision 2030, which is the current development blue print, research is expected to play a key role in the formulation of relevant and practical policies. This study therefore sought to establish how much and what social science research is produced by universities in Kenya as well as explore the extent to which university produced social science research is utilised in policy formulation and programme Implementation. Additionally, the study sought to identify the facilitators of and barriers to university-based social science research in Kenya. Using a mixed methods approach, quantitative and qualitative data was collected from social science researchers from five universities. Quantitative and qualitative data was also collected from national and county level policy makers in the ministries of education, health, and agriculture; and in related Semi-Autonomous Government Agencies (SAGAs). Some of the key findings from the study were that research production is generally low, public universities produce more research than private universities, and that there is lack of communication between researchers and policy makers. Inadequate funding and the fact that university had little time due to heavy workloads were found to be critical barriers to research production. The utilization of university-produced social science research from the universities by policy makers was found to be low. The study thus recommends increased funding for research, strengthening communication between researchers and policy makers, and encouraging joint research between university researchers and policy makers.
* This conference took place from December 2020 to February 2021 * |