
Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds

Panel H48 (1 video; 6 papers, 1 withpdf files)

Title of panel:

Bridging the gap between research and policy
[initiated by NAI Uppsala]

Marieke van Winden (conference organiser, African Studies Centre Leiden);
Victor Adetula (Nordic Africa InstituteUniversity of Jos);
Marleen Dekker (African Studies Centre Leiden and INCLUDE);
Corinna Jentzsch (Leiden University).

Stream: H: Knowledge and impact
Start time: 17 February, 2021 at 10:00 (UTC+1)
Session slots: 2

Long abstract:
The failure of development policies and programmes in Africa can be blamed in part on the poor state of policy-oriented research. Arguably, the inter-relationship between policy and research on the continent is generally unimpressive. The current thinking among perceptive observers of the African public policy environment is that research is not making sufficient impact on policy process. How do we explain the poor link between research and the policy environment in Africa? This panel is expected to review the state of policy-oriented research in Africa, delineating the trends, patterns, opportunities and challenges. In this regard, papers presented will be invited to discuss the institutional setting of policy-oriented research in various African countries, its historical foundation, economic basis, and other environmental factors that influence its functioning in relation to the policy process. In addition, the panel will draw attention to the global, regional, and national contexts for policy-oriented research, the main sources of policy-oriented research in Africa, and the dominant responses of the policy makers and implementers.

6 Accepted papers:
1 pdf file present Africa can solve her youth employment problem: Safaricom's local innovation for skilling youth facing extreme adversities in Kenya

2 no pdf file present Research policy dialogues in practice [roundtable discussion]

3 no pdf file present Good on Paper, Otherwise on Ground: Challenges and Opportunities to integrating Cultural Heritage into Climate Change Research and Policy in Nigeria

4 no pdf file present Bridging the research-policy gap: is university-produced social science research being utilized by policy makers and practitioners in Kenya?

5 no pdf file present African border policies: how local sensitivities and global security discourses converge into increased securitization of African borders

6 no pdf file present Research-policy nexus in the age of post-truth politics: lessons for Africa

* This conference took place from December 2020 to February 2021 *
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