
Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds

Accepted Paper: G41-07. To panel G41.

Title of paper:

The talent-career trajectories in education for youth employment and employability in Africa

Moses Yakubu (University of Lagos);
Paul Michael (University of Benin).

Long abstract paper:
Ironically, Nigeria which is so rich both in terms of human and natural resources has not been able to translate these resources to achieve commensurate development outcomes due to shortfalls in theoretical and practical trajectories One reason for the dislocation between resource potential and human achievement is a lack of articulation of talents as careers trajectory for the youth. This paper offers the talent-career trajectory (TCT) to a selected aspect of the youth employment crisis, namely; youth unemployment, youth underemployment, and youth employability. From an African perspective, talent is conceptualized as the basis for educating, and resolving some aspects of the youth employment crisis. The paper adopts a descriptive-analytical method and begins with an introduction. Second, with an empirical background of the ineffectiveness of SURE-P, N-Power, Amnesty, and NYIF programmes as palliatives. Third, the TCT is conceptualized from an African perspective. Fourth, I linked education to youth employment in traditional/pre-colonial Nigeria. The fifth section interfaces the TCT with two key debates in youth studies - nature vs. nurture, and structure vs. agency. Lastly, I conclude and suggest possible institutional strategies that go beyond palliative measures to a more enduring solution for the youth employment crisis in Nigeria.

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* This conference took place from December 2020 to February 2021 *
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