
Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds

Panel G41 (1 video; 7 papers, 7 withpdf files)

Title of panel:

Youth employment, knowledge and the labour markets; knowledge and society
[initiated by Edukans with INCLUDE, ISCTE-IU Lisbon and Advance Afrika (Kampala, Uganda)]

Marieke van Winden (conference organiser, African Studies Centre Leiden);
Ivonne de Moor (Edukans);
Agnieszka Kazimierczuk (INCLUDE Knowledge Platform);
Marleen Dekker (African Studies Centre Leiden and INCLUDE);
Maria Antonia Barreto (IPLCEA-IUL);
Sharon Atukunda (Advance Afrika).

Stream: G: Youth and gender issues
Start time: 15 December, 2020 at 10:00 (UTC+1)
Session slots: 2

Short abstract:
This panel investigates issues related to youth employment, job creation and various types of (vocational) education and training strategies in Africa.

Long abstract:
This panel investigates issues related to youth employment, job creation and various types of (vocational) education and training strategies in Africa.

This panel will feature six papers that will consider the importance of technical skills and indigenous knowledge in relation to more generic 'life' skills and talent. The planned discussion will address regional and in-country differences as well as how can we learn from each other about good (and not-so-good) practices.

Ideally, participants are advised to have an extra device available e.g an additional smartphone next to the device you use to participate in the panel. It will be used during the interactive quiz that is planned during the session. However those with no additional device can still take part in the quiz.

7 Accepted papers:
1 pdf file present Imu Ahia - the Igbo apprenticeship model as inspiration for youth entrepreneurship development

2 pdf file present Exploring positive liberty and life skills for youth employment

3 pdf file present Improving use of evidence to increase impact of TVET in Kenya

4 pdf file present Evolution of technical and professional education in Guinea-Bissau. Its relationship with the labor market

5 pdf file present Youth employment challenge in Africa - evidence synthesis introductory QUIZ

6 pdf file present Towards inclusive agri-skills development for smallholders in Uganda: the case of Abim, Lira and Soroti districts

7 pdf file present The talent-career trajectories in education for youth employment and employability in Africa

* This conference took place from December 2020 to February 2021 *
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