![]() conference
Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds
Accepted Paper: D18-03.
To panel D18.
Title of paper:
Decolonising rivers and dams: an Ethio-Italian research on political economy and political ecology of Salini in Ethiopia
Long abstract paper: Against the Salini's historical and dominant roles in the major Ethiopian dam construction projects , in order to highlight transformation and continuities throughout time and places, we will address the following questions: - How have dam's decision-making practices, funding schemes and implementation (construction works) been conducted in Ethiopia? - How have the Salini Impregilo been an important actor in shaping Ethiopia's dam decision-making, funding schemes and implementation? - What are the linkages between this company which designed and constructed dams and those assessing impacts and standards? - To what extent has the company adopted new transnational ideas regarding improved decision making, funding schemes and implementation on dams? If any, what freedom did it have to implement these ideas? - How sub-national actors from a particular dam-affected area respond to the dam project and with what effects? [for example: to what extent that regional and ethnic elites from the affected areas were able to influence the central government's project plan and/or to ensure that the region benefits from the dam? - How physical (environment) and technical (knowledge and expertise) issues have shaped Salini's presence and projects in Ethiopia?
* This conference took place from December 2020 to February 2021 * |