
Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds

Panel D18 (1 video; 5 papers, 2 withpdf files)

Title of panel:

Disciplinary trends in Africa: water science and technology

Marieke van Winden (conference organiser, African Studies Centre Leiden);
Maurits Ertsen (Delft University of Technology);
Emanuele Fantini (IHE Delft Institute for Water Education).

Stream: D: Cases of regional and disciplinary specifics
Start time: 21 January, 2021 at 10:00 (UTC+1)
Session slots: 1

Long abstract:
Water is defined as an important field on its own within the SDGs, with close connections to other fields like food production, health and energy - to name just a few. This panel explores the many facets of water studies and technologies on the African continent, with an explicit focus on how innovations are studied, adapted and accepted in different settings - ranging from urban to rural, local to (inter)national, and natural to human, but also ranging from academic to policy environments or water user communities. The panel explicitly invites contributions from diverse specializations, as water science and technology is an explicitly multidisciplinary endeavour [coordination: Delft University of Technology, Civil Engineering, together with IHE Delft, WaterNet (Zimbabwe), South Eastern Kenya University (SEKU), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Kumasi, Ghana), Stellenbosch University Water Institute (South Africa), as well as possibly the Hydraulic Research Centre in Khartoum, the University of Khartoum, and Addis Ababa University, under review].

5 Accepted papers:
1 pdf file present Decolonizing the mind in debates on water and technology in Africa: exploring new ways of framing agricultural and food innovations

2 no pdf file present Knowledge transfer, power hierarchies, and neoliberal policy transmission in Africa's water sector

3 no pdf file present Decolonising rivers and dams: an Ethio-Italian research on political economy and political ecology of Salini in Ethiopia

4 no pdf file present Investigating the effects of water insecurity on the Girl Child in Gimboki, Mutare district, Zimbabwe

5 pdf file present Impact of ownership of water resources and associated facilities to its access and management in the asal Kitui County, Kenya

* This conference took place from December 2020 to February 2021 *
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