
Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds

Accepted Paper: H46-01. To panel H46.

Title of paper:

Impact assessment of integrated vocational training programs - the case of ICT training programs in West-Africa

Diana van der Stelt-Scheele (Maxim Nyansa IT Solutions).

Long abstract paper:
In West-Africa most children go to school, benefiting from at least a primary school and Junior High School education. An increasing amount of students, including those from rural areas or underprivileged communities, are able to obtain also a Senior High School certificate and a form of tertiary education. In the ECOWAS region the educational system has been harmonized including the curriculum and joint end levels set by the West African Examination Council (WAEC). This system is giving the region a solid foundation for joint economic development and exchange of human resources between countries. At the same time the educational system still faces various quality challenges, including didactic quality by skilled teachers and lack of technical resources in the field of ICT. There is a general concern that youth are not sufficiently equipped for the future job market.

Maxim Nyansa IT Solutions foundation has been developing integrated training programs for both high school students and young university graduates to bridge the gap between the school system and the job market in information technology. For both target groups an integrated approach has been developed, where students receive practical technical training as well as training in various so-called 21st century skills such as communication, problem solving and creative thinking.

Executing multiple training programs in Ghana since 2016, Maxim Nyansa has based its approach on scientific resources and evaluation reports of similar programs in Africa. In 2020, a new methodology for impact assessment has been developed in close collaboration with the University of Utrecht. In this paper we are going to address three questions:

• how did we develop our new impact assessment methodology and what are its main characteristics?

• have the Maxim Nyansa integrated training programs in ICT been effective and why?

• how can this impact assessment methodology be used practically to support an ecosystem of educational programs to continuously learn and improve?

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* This conference took place from December 2020 to February 2021 *
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