
Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds

Accepted Paper: H44-03. To panel H44.

Title of paper:

Community service learning in higher education in Africa

Titus Pacho (Kisii University).

Long abstract paper:
Community service learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates community service with academic study, reflection, and analysis to enrich the learning experience of students, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen local communities. Research focusing on service-learning has increased considerably over the years, across the globe. This study examined community service learning in higher education in Zimbabwe using the Arrupe Jesuit University's service-learning programme as a case study. The study explored the effect of the programme on the students. The experiential learning theory and a qualitative case study research design were used to guide this study. The study participants were twenty-nine including fourteen students, eight alumni, two faculty members, two college administrators, and three service community leaders. Participants were selected by purposive sampling. Data was collected using focus group, in-depth interviews, e-mail correspondences, observation, and a review of documents provided by the participants. Data analysis was based on thematic analysis by transcribing the data and coding the transcripts into categories and major themes through a process of open coding. The findings revealed that the Arrupe Jesuit University's service-learning programme is an important tool that encourages students to participate in the learning process and in society. Students learn and develop through active participation in thoughtfully organised service activities meeting the needs of communities. The study recommends that higher education institutions in Africa should integrate community service in their curricular and co-curricular programmes as an innovative approach to education for the engagement between pedagogy at tertiary level and societal role of higher education.

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* This conference took place from December 2020 to February 2021 *
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