
Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds

Accepted Paper: G42-06. To panel G42.

Title of paper:

Improving social and economic empowerment of young people through social and financial education (SFE): the challenge of SFE integration at secondary education level in Cameroon

Roger Kaffo Fokou (Government bilingual High School Dschang);
Livia Remeijers (Aflatoun International).

Long abstract paper:
There is an increasing need in Cameroon for youth to establish good financial habits, and improve their future prospects for decent work to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty, benefitting their community and country. The Ministry of Secondary Education of Cameroon recognises this need and signed an agreement with Aflatoun International to integrate Social and Financial Education into its secondary school system. This presentation elaborates on the national integration of SFE into the school system as a pathway to social and economic empowerment of youth in Cameroon. The different stakeholders and their contribution to the process, the enablers and barriers, and recommendations to reach national coverage are central to this presentation and serve as an example to countries in the region who desire to achieve the same.

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* This conference took place from December 2020 to February 2021 *
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