
Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds

Accepted Paper: G42-03. To panel G42.

Title of paper:

Employment as a strategy for youth resilience to violence and crime in the suburbs of Dakar, Senegal

Alpha BA (ENSA Université de Thiès).

Long abstract paper:
African countries are mainly characterized by the youthfulness of their population. This situation presents both benefits and risks if countries fail to capture the demographic dividend. In this context, many public initiatives are being implemented to capture the demographic dividend, but they are often characterized by their inadequacy to meet the needs of this young population. However, sometimes community initiatives emerge and make it possible to catalyse the energies of young people around adapted professional projects. It is in this context that we wish to present in this paper the results of a two-year research project in Senegal on strategies for youth resilience in the face of violence and crime in Senegal. It is based on survey results to show how integration into the professional environment through hip hop allows young people in the suburbs of Dakar to get out or not to fall into violence and crime.

* This conference took place from December 2020 to February 2021 *
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