
Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds

Accepted Paper: E29-12. To panel E29.

Title of paper:

Local knowledge and its (non) integration in formal education institutions

David Millar (Millar Institute For Transdisciplinary And Development Studies).

Short abstract paper:
Most documentations and positions of advocacy for local (indigenous) knowledge to be incorporated into formal systems usually focus on integration into Courses, Programmes, Units, Departments, Centers and, on rare occasions, Faculties. In this matter discourses are limited to queries on programme designs, didactics, pedagogy, learning epistemologies.

Long abstract paper:
We are desirous of moving the discourse to a higher level. Hence, our submission is to discuss the challenges in establishing a whole new institutions (university type Institutions) dedicated to local (Indigenous) knowledge and for such an Institution to be accepted into the frame of formal school systems. Issue of Accreditation and Re-Accreditation (Institutional and Programmatic), Affiliation, Supervisions of Researches, Grading and Passing of Researches, Acceptance, Quality Assurance, issues of accepting Final Products into the Mainstream for Establishments and Promotions. Although this is a limited case study (Millar Institute for Transdisciplinary and Development Studies) in one particular Country, Ghana, the richness of such a discussion will provide insights into the nuances and challenges to be anticipated for any desirous future to engage in such endeavours. The end results will certainly speak very well for integration both at the institutional and the policy levels for local/ indigenous knowledges and formal education institutions.

* This conference took place from December 2020 to February 2021 *
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