
Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds

Accepted Paper: E29-10. To panel E29.

Title of paper:

Local knowledge and health in Africa: barriers and potential ways forward

Sarah Cummings (Wageningen University and Research);
Chris Zielinski (University of Winchester).

Long abstract paper:
In this paper, we consider the nature of local knowledge and its implications for global health based on a literature review in order to examine the current nature of scientific research on the subject, focusing on the link between local knowledge and biomedical knowledge. It is based on the assumption that linking local and biomedical knowledge will increase access to health services and thus improve health. The research question what are the main barriers between the local and biomedical health systems in Africa, which current approach aim to bridge these barriers, and how adequate do they appear to be to be. The paper has the following structure. First, we define local knowledge in the context of global health. Next, we undertake a critical interpretive synthesis of the scientific literature on local knowledge and health. Based on this synthesis, we reach some conclusions about the perspective of local knowledge taken in the scientific literature. Finally, we consider the implications for the SDGs.

* This conference took place from December 2020 to February 2021 *
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