![]() conference
Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds
Accepted Paper: D27b-10.
To panel D27b.
Title of paper:
Minority languages and Higher education in Africa: with special reference to Tamazight in North Africa
Long abstract paper: In education, a number of minority languages are used today as languages for instruction in primary schools in Nigeria, Namibia, Kenya, Ghana and Algeria (Reference made to Tamazight). My paper focuses on casting light on the following questions: How human rights institutions and African Union can give an impetus to developing Tamazight language in North Africa? What are the main mechanisms to promoting Tamazight language in North Africa? How to make the North African governments involved in promoting Tamazight language in higher education in North Africa? However, it can be said that minority languages are usually used in the earlier stages of education programs but not in the field of higher education except in some African countries such as South Africa where Zulu language is used in Durban university. The African Commission can also protect minority languages in Africa in general and North Africa in particular by using the UNESCO Convention against discrimination in Education and the right to learn in a minority language? Finally, National and international human rights institutions should play an essential role in giving North African countries tough solutions on minority languages and cultures rights issues by elaborating human rights education programmes and promoting the introduction of minority langauages both in higher education and teaching at university level.
* This conference took place from December 2020 to February 2021 * |