
Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds

Accepted Paper: D19-10. To panel D19.

Title of paper:

Citizenship, indigeneship and the legacy of colonialism: the Nigerian example

Hosea Olayiwola Patrick (University of KwaZulu Natal).

Long abstract paper:
The contemporary Nigerian state is bedevilled with the plight of the citizenship and indigeneship question. Dwelling on the theory of social behaviourism as espoused by George Herbert Mead, this paper attempts to explain coloniality as it influences the citizenship and indigeneship question in Nigeria. The paper argues that the vertical and horizontal division of the people, orchestrated by the policies of colonialism, led to the culture and awareness of the 'self' and 'other'. This 'othering' produced a situation whereby identities are constructed based on a dual layered perception, contextualizing the notion of citizenship within the frontline of both citizens and communal natives. The paper further argues that the socio- political and economic implication of this reality is that it breeds a discriminatory tendency whereby some individuals are excluded from enjoying full rights and privileges of citizenship and participation in the society. The paper argues that Colonialism was, and still is an unending phenomenon as its effect still influences contemporary realities in Nigeria. The paper provides an analysis of colonialism in Africa, and the impact of colonialism on the citizenship and indigeneship question in Nigeria. It concludes that while the 'divide and rule' strategy of colonialism might have shaped contemporary perception of citizenship and indigeneship question, policy geared at reorientation of the hearts and minds becomes of immediate importance towards developing values for nation building in a culturally pluralistic society.

* This conference took place from December 2020 to February 2021 *
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