
Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds

Accepted Paper: D16a-03. To panel D16a.

Title of paper:

Human capital and sustainable development in Africa: the levers and programs to target in Geosciences within the framework of Regional Integration

Naima Hamoumi (Faculty of Sciences Mohammed V university).

Long abstract paper:
Africa has human wealth and major natural assets that could enable it to face the challenges and issues that arise such as: globalization, global warming and its consequences, the SDGs, population growth, etc....

Indeed, Africa is both a continent and islands which are surrounded by several marine areas: the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Strait of Gibraltar, the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, and the Gulf of Aden. In addition, its long geological history has been marked by several orogenies (Precambrian, Hercynian and Alpine) and climate changes. In addition, it has rock formations ranging in age from the Precambrian to the Quaternary, as well as significant energy and mineral resources.

The geosciences therefore appear to be the battle horse for the creation of human capital and the establishment of a blue economy and a green economy which will contribute to the emergence of African leadership. Indeed, in addition to their scientific interest for the knowledge of our Earth and the understanding of the phenomena which presided over its history, the geosciences have an inescapable societal role. They have direct applications in:

- the exploration, exploitation and development of natural resources (water, ore, and useful substance, hydrocarbons, gas, etc.),

- the feasibility and impact study of engineering projects and development projects in land and sea,

- the study of the quality of the environment and its protection,

- the study and management of natural risks: climate change, floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis, landslides, etc....

In addition, the geologist has become a leading actor in socio-economic development, his role has widened all the more as all the continental, coastal and marine areas as well as their subsoil are coveted. Thus, it can intervene in teaching, research, and all fields of application of geology. And as a result, opportunities have become numerous and diversified in several sectors.

The promotion of geosciences therefore arises acutely in Africa, where the number of students in this discipline remains very low and where its education is only provided in about a hundred faculties and other higher institutions. In addition to the preservation and enhancement of natural capital, it will help to integrate young people into the job market. Therefore, and in order to contribute to the realization of the AU Agenda 2063, it is essential to strengthen the links within the AU and to create bridges between African universities in order to capitalize the know-how and the human and material resources of several countries to put in place:

- adequate training to prepare senior technicians, engineers, and university geologists,

- relevant and unifying programs for the strengthening of scientific research and innovation in fields common to several African states.

This presentation aims to propose the programs and mechanisms to be implemented in the fields of training and scientific research in Geosciences within the framework of intra-African cooperation. It will also indicate the levers for the development of a balanced cooperation between African consortia and scientific teams of other states around the world based on the Moroccan experience in international cooperation in the field of geosciences.

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* This conference took place from December 2020 to February 2021 *
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