![]() conference
Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds
Accepted Paper: D16a-02.
To panel D16a.
Title of paper:
Case studies of successful skills mobility partnerships from Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt
Long abstract paper: When implemented effectively, SMPs can help destination countries meet skill shortages and labour market needs, improve migrant's skills sets, and thereby career prospects, and not least contribute to country of origins' development through a better trained workforce according to international qualification standards, remittances, capacity building and skills transfer. By design, SMPs consider participant's previously earned degrees, qualifications and competences at all skill levels. Through cost sharing and joint program conduct between stakeholders, the expenses for training local workers and future migrants are kept low. Having completed a training which meets the needs also of the local labor market, trained workers now have the choice of whether they will join the local labour market, or go for deployment abroad, where they will be placed in jobs corresponding to their skill level. Upon completion, migrants' skills and experiences are recognized, and accordingly certified, by all parties of the Partnership. IOM will present case studies of successful skills mobility partnerships from Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt in this panel to illustrate how knowledge development in North Africa can be innovated and done in true partnership between countries of origin and countries of destination.
* This conference took place from December 2020 to February 2021 * |