
Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds

Accepted Paper: D16-04. To panel D16.

Title of paper:

The rejection of African solutions to African problems. The African Union and the Islamic Courts Union

Jude Cocodia (Niger Delta University, Nigeria).

Long abstract paper:
The dependence of the African Union (AU) on its western benefactors compels it to abide by their dictates in the provision security on the continent. The influence of these donors sometimes inhibits the security objective of the AU and the intervention in Somalia clearly proves this point. Unfortunately, the western narrative on the salience of AU intervention in Somalia has dominated conflict literature and the majority of African scholars have kept with this trend. This paper takes an alternative view and questions the rationale behind the AU's peace enforcement in Somalia. Were there viable alternatives? Can the AU retrace its steps? Is there some way through which stability can be achieved? This research adopts a problem solving approach in arguing that the AU ignored viable indigenous options for peace in Somalia in order to promote the interests of its donors. It advocates that a change in strategy is needed to bring peace to south-central Somalia and a cue can be taken from the indigenous modes of governance in Somalia's northern regions where stability has long since been achieved.

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* This conference took place from December 2020 to February 2021 *
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