![]() conference
Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds
Accepted Paper: B11-06.
To panel B11.
Title of paper:
A new role for a Europe-based institute? Facilitating an alternative South - South-Africa - Asia 'Axis of Knowledge'
Long abstract paper: Thanks to its wide global multi-sector network and its post-colonial institutional standing, IIAS plays an important role as logistical facilitator, especially by incorporating the know-how it acquired in running the world renown biennial International Convention for Asia Scholars (ICAS). The institute supports the activities of the A-ASIA network and it works closely with AA conference host institutions. In addition, IIAS supports the development of an alternative transregional knowledge production and dissemination initiative through the 'Humanities Across Borders (HaB), Africa and Asia in the World' programme. HaB is not only set to re-imagine a truly multi-centered collaborative educational academic effort. The programme is also characterised by its revolutionary pedagogical approach in which knowledge is shaped, and shared, from the stand-point of local communities (vis-à-vis the state) around themes drawn from the lived experiences of making (craft), speaking (language), eating (food), and dwelling (space). Supported by the Mellon Foundation, New York, and built around a consortium of 20 institutions in Africa, Asia, North and Latin America and Europe, the HaB programme is primarily built on an active Africa-Asia 'axis of knowledge'.
* This conference took place from December 2020 to February 2021 * |