Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds
Accepted Paper: B08-8.
To panel B08.
Title of paper:
Towards an African epistemology in African Studies
Author: |
Louise Muller (Leiden University). |
Short abstract paper:
This article aims to introduce a new epistemology in African Cinema by its cross-fertilization with African Intercultural Philosophy.
Long abstract paper:
This article aims to introduce a new epistemology in African Cinema by its cross-fertilization with African Intercultural Philosophy. It will do so by concentrating on the global colonial and decolonized politics of space and time, by connecting so-called African Intercultural Philosophical Cinema to the wider history of African Cinema and by providing an example of a film analysis in this field. The focus will, thereby, be on the shortlisted documentary 'Common Threads' (2018). This Zanzibar festival's committee's nominee concentrates on the nineteenth-century and current Afro-Indian textile trade, the associated oral narratives and their visual impact on the so-called Kanga and Vitenge textiles. Key words: African Cinema, African Philosophy, Intercultural Philosophy, Epistemology.
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* This conference took place from December 2020 to February 2021 *
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