
Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds

Accepted Paper: A02-07. To panel A02.

Title of paper:

Cabo Verde - locanacionalizar o global na educação

Fernanda Marques (FCSH, Universidade Nova de Lisboa).

Short abstract paper:
O sistema educativo cabo-verdiano poderá alterar o rumo da sua história revolucionando as relações da academia nacional com as praticas locais no quadro contemporâneo global da ajuda pública ao desenvolvimento da educação. É urgente trazer o futuro para o presente da Escola.

Long abstract paper:
In a time of deep change in the world, accelerated by the pandemic of COVID19, it will be urgent to revolutionize learning and 'bring the future to the present' of the School in Cabo Verde, a small archipelagic and sahelean state with about 520,500 inhabitants, half of whom are in the 0-24 age group, transforming difficulties into opportunities.

Based on a documentary analysis for the period from 1975 to 2015, of the flows and ideologies underlying public development aid, and on a personal experience, of thirty years, dedicated to the Cape Verdean educational system, I look for ways that can lead to the construction of a new teaching-learning paradigm in public schools.

After the independence of the archipelago, in 1975, the Cape Verdean educational system adopted the general structural model of the former colonizer, mixed with the different contributions and guidelines of public aid for the development of education. The investment made since independence in terms of human resources, particularly in the training of teachers, in infrastructure, programs, study plans, curricula and manuals, translates into 'comfortable' indicators.

It will be the moment to locanationalize the educational system, revolutionizing the relations between the national academy and local practices within the contemporary global framework of public aid for the development of education.

Is the locanationalization of the global a way towards decolonization of knowledge?

Keywords: Cape Verde; education; public policies; public development assistance; glonacal; and lonabal.

Fernanda Marques, Lisboa, 2020-09-30

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* This conference took place from December 2020 to February 2021 *
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