
Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds

Panel F40 (1 video; 8 papers, 0 withpdf files)

Title of panel:

Citizen science and environmental monitoring
[initiated by Wageningen University and Science, Technology & Innovation studies, Ruforum, African Centre for Technology Studies]

Marieke van Winden (conference organiser, African Studies Centre Leiden);
Cees Leeuwis (Wageningen University and Research);
Shiferaw Tafesse (Wageningen University and Research);
Elias Damtew (Wageningen University and Research).

Stream: F: Technology and innovation
Start time: 10 February, 2021 at 11:30 (UTC+1)
Session slots: 2

Long abstract:
Agencies supporting sustainable resource use and disease management in Africa, as well as those that support adaptation to climate change, often make use of knowledge generated by citizens, or of monitoring activities by citizens and their organizations. It is assumed that such environmental monitoring systems may catalyse new forms of collective action and enhance interactivity in innovation systems. What are recent trends and where does citizen science and university-based science meet?

8 Accepted papers:
1 no pdf file present Social medias' contribution to enhancing interaction in Ghana's agricultural knowledge and innovation system

2 no pdf file present Beyond the provision of citizen science data: benefits of a citizen science program for malaria control

3 no pdf file present Interdependency, peer to peer monitoring and interactive communication in the collective management of potato late blight: evidence from a framed field game experiment in Ethiopia

4 no pdf file present Analysis of a monitoring system for bacterial wilt management by seed potato cooperatives in Ethiopia: challenges and future directions

5 no pdf file present Using public bad games as interdisciplinary research method to learn about decision making about infectious crop diseases: experiences with a game for Rwandan banana farmers

6 no pdf file present Citizen science, an alternative approach to strengthen malaria vector surveillance in Rwanda?

7 no pdf file present Making smallholder value chain partnerships inclusive through farmer friendly smartphone platforms

8 no pdf file present Towards a platform for sharing tick knowledge and practices: insights from Laikipia

* This conference took place from December 2020 to February 2021 *
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