
Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds

Panel E34 (1 video; 8 papers, 0 withpdf files)

Title of panel:

Other ways of knowing? Exploring religious knowing and development in Africa
[initiated by the ASCL, University of Konstanz, with partners in Botswana and Zambia]

Marieke van Winden (conference organiser, African Studies Centre Leiden);
Rijk van Dijk (African Studies Centre Leiden);
Thomas G. Kirsch (University of Konstanz);
Senzokuhle Doreen Setume (University of Botswana).

Stream: E: Transdisciplinary debates
Start time: 5 February, 2021 at 10:00 (UTC+1)
Session slots: 2

Long abstract:
All over the African continent, ways of knowing are playing an important role in people's everyday lives, which are not mediated by formal education or science. These religious ways of knowing are rarely acknowledged in development efforts and university curricula, and yet are important for understanding how people in Africa make sense of developments in the wider world. Given the diversified and pluralist nature of religion in Africa, practitioners are faced with competing claims to truth and a multitude of different knowledge practices that range from the experience-near heuristics of the spiritualist variety to sophisticated religious knowledge transfers. At stake in this context, therefore, are not only the specific contents of authoritative religious knowledge but also the much more basic question of how this knowledge can be gained in the first place. The panel examines religious knowing in Africa and concentrates on the limitations of understanding these ways of knowing. Conceptualizing religious practitioners to be 'knowledge seekers', it asks what specific aspects of reality are assumed to be 'unknown' or even 'unknowable' by them. It explores the strategies employed to link religion with the development of knowledge and, in other empirical instances, to accommodate to the fact that certain things can or should not be known.

8 Accepted papers:
1 no pdf file present 'I'd rather rely on intuition than intellect' - teacher-plants and spiritual exchanges in the hills of Khomas region, Namibia

2 no pdf file present Decolonising grief counselling practice in Botswana: the case of twin-less twins in North Eastern Botswana

3 no pdf file present Religion and knowing how to climb the social ladder: pentecostalism and institutional social mobility in Botswana

4 no pdf file present The différance of religious knowledge in African pneumatic christianity

5 no pdf file present Pare customs and traditions, Christianity and Islam: the hybrid nature of sacred forests conservation in North Pare, Tanzania

6 no pdf file present Women knowing Islam in Benin: towards a relational understanding of religious knowledge

7 no pdf file present Ta'allum, ta'lim, and Ta'lif: ways of knowing Arabic and Islam in contemporary Yorubaland (Nigeria)

8 no pdf file present Hidden gender war in Nzukka's witchcraft conference: an epidtemology of a disappearing ivory tower

* This conference took place from December 2020 to February 2021 *
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