
Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds

Panel C13 (1 video; 6 papers, 3 withpdf files)

Title of panel:

The European Union and Africa's knowledge infrastructure
[initiated by ECDPM-Maastricht, with support from ISCTE-IULisbon]

Marieke van Winden (conference organiser, African Studies Centre Leiden);
Clara Carvalho (ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon);
Jean Bossuyt (ECDPM).

Stream: C: Europe and Africa
Start time: 18 January, 2021 at 10:00 (UTC+1)
Session slots: 1

Long abstract:
Europe has a long and partly troubled history of supporting/influencing Africa's knowledge sector. Not only individual 'donor' countries (including the Netherlands, but clearly also the former colonial powers, and ever more Germany) but also the EU as a whole have designed and implemented many knowledge support programmes. What are the current plans, and how does Europe cope with the current anxieties in Africa's knowledge landscape?

6 Accepted papers:
1 no pdf file present Dissecting two minds on decolonisation: the correlate between Eurocentric conceptualization of Afrocentric ideas, innovations and epistemology

2 pdf file present The new Africa - Europe Alliance: opportunity to move from knowledge transfer to knowledge co-creation

3 no pdf file present Can (African) knowledge revitalise dialogue between Europe and Africa

4 pdf file present Afrique - Europe: je t'aime, moi non plus ! (I love you? nor do I)

5 no pdf file present Universities in Africa and Europe: how are they interrelating in a novel knowledge infrastructure?

6 pdf file present The EU as a model for African regionalism: decolonizing regional integration in Africa?

* This conference took place from December 2020 to February 2021 *
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