
Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds

Panel B10 (1 video; 12 papers, 3 withpdf files)

Title of panel:

International knowledge migration
[initiated by NUFFIC, and ISS of Erasmus University on the role of diaspora transnationals]

Antony Ongayo (International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) of Erasmus University Rotterdam);
Samira Zafar (Nuffic);
Marieke van Winden (conference organiser, African Studies Centre Leiden);
Mirjam Van Reisen (Leiden University, Tilburg University);
Akinyinka Akinyoade (Leiden University);
Oliver Bakewell (University of Manchester);
Leander Kandilige (University of Ghana).

Stream: B: Decolonising knowledge
Start time: 22 February, 2021 at 9:30 (UTC+1)
Session slots: 2

Long abstract:
This panel deals with one of the major dilemmas (and contradictions) within the migration and development nexus debate linked to the labor market needs and impact of knowledge migration. These dilemmas (and contradictions) can be juxtaposed with the reality of demographic shifts and economic globalization and digitalization/automation that has altered modes of production and labor market conditions. The need to meet new labor market demands and address domestic economic growth challenges drives both political debate and policy priorities within the European Union. International knowledge migration is one dimension of human mobility that receives a lot of policy attention especially on the perceived implications for European economies and societies as well as the countries of origin. The effects of this pattern of mobility is framed within the debates about 'Brain drain'/ 'brain gain' /'brain circulation' and conceptualized through the lens of economics of labor migration but also within perspectives that examine the interdependencies between development and migration or consider migrants as transnational development agents.

In the case of Africa, many trained knowledge workers join the African intellectual diaspora abroad in large numbers. Policy responses in recent times include efforts by European funding agencies to support African knowledge development. However, questions that remain challenging include What is the evidence of costs and benefits of International knowledge migration, and what are the effects of policies aimed at knowledge migration from Africa? What roles do the African diaspora intellectuals play in nurturing, or challenging Africa's knowledge sector? And what about the roles of diaspora intellectuals in decolonizing the academy, both in Europe and in Africa.

12 Accepted papers:
1 pdf file present Aid for whom? Facilitating skilled migration through the Czech government scholarship programme for students from developing countries

2 no pdf file present Epistemic networks and Ghanaian/African academy: a work in progress

3 no pdf file present West African migration regimes in the context of EU externalised migration management policies: the case of EU-Niger agreement

4 no pdf file present The paradox of international knowledge migration: the case of mental health advocacy and practice in Ghana

5 no pdf file present Migration a vessel for knowledge transformation, acquisition, perfection and circulation; the case of Ghana

6 pdf file present Brain gain (skilled emigrants) and economic development in Sub-Saharan countries

7 pdf file present Leveraging the potentials of the African diasporas for development in the countries of origin: the role of transnational activities

8 no pdf file present Digitalization, skills transfer, and the migration of ideas: leveraging international skills migration for development in Africa?

9 no pdf file present Re-thinking international knowledge migration and the value of diaspora skills and experiences: the case of Kenyan diasporas in The Netherlands

10 no pdf file present Changing the diaspora engagement narrative: the relevance of knowledge from Africa's diaspora in Africa

11 no pdf file present Sending and receiving migrant remittances from abroad: critical insights from Ghanaian diaspora in Germany

12 no pdf file present Mass skilled migration and development: the implications for Nigeria's healthcare

* This conference took place from December 2020 to February 2021 *
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