Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise minds
Essential partnerships
In the spirit of partnership, Africa Knows! will be a joint effort by African, Dutch, and other European knowledge organizations. As conference organizers, we have opted for diverging from ‘purely academic' partners and joined hands with the applied sciences, think-tanks, and NGOs as well as traditional research universities. NUFFIC, the organization in the Netherlands with more than fifty years of experience in funding knowledge partnerships with African knowledge centres will play a key role. The conference will take place at the University for Applied Sciences in the Netherlands, in The Hague, an institution with a strong internationalization agenda and a growing relationship with Leiden University. The conference's activities, papers, posters and results will be made available for a larger public online, with options for virtual participation for those who cannot come to The Hague. Part of the conference fee will be used to offset carbon emissions associated with the travel of participants to The Hague.
Collaborating partners
Africa Knows! will be organized by the Leiden African Studies Assembly – LeidenASA (including the African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), and under its authority, also is involved the International Institute of Asian Studies), Erasmus University Rotterdam (both the University as a whole and the International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague as well as the Partnerships Resources Centre), The Hague University of Applied Sciences (De Haagse Hogeschool, including the Heart of Africa group of diaspora students), Delft University of Technology, IHE Delft, Wageningen University and Research, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Radboud University Nijmegen, University of Groningen, Tilburg University, ECDPM, NUFFIC, NABC, Edukans, Aflatoun International, NIDI, Rutgers, Foodlog, the Knowledge Platforms INCLUDE and Food & Business, and the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Plenary Board of AEGIS – the association of African Studies Centres in Europe – has unanimously and enthusiastically agreed to endorse Africa Knows! as a Thematic Conference of AEGIS. Key AEGIS partners involved in this decision were Leiden, Edinburgh and Cologne. In addition, the following AEGIS partners share an interest in co-organizing this event: Paris-URMIS, Bayreuth (Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence), Barcelona/Lleida (Grup d'Estudi de les Societats Africanes), LAM-Bordeaux, Lisbon (CEI-IUL/ISCTE), Uppsala (NAI), Leuven (IARA), Mainz (IEA), The Czech Association for African Studies (CAAS). From outside AEGIS, RWTH Aachen has joined, as well as the University of Bonn, Manchester University, Coventry University, the University of Konstanz, the University of Mainz, the University of Chemnitz, the Humboldt University in Berlin, the Metropolitan University Prague, and the University of Hradec Kralove.
To date, the following African collaborating partners have agreed to participate:
- Algeria: Conseil National Economique et Social (CNES) d'Algérie
- Botswana: University of Botswana
- Burkina Faso: Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Ouagadougou; Université de Ouaga II
- Rüdiger Seesemann (University of Bayreuth)
- Yacouba Banhoro (University of Ouagadougou)
- Chad: CRASH
- Ghana: Headquarters of the Association of African Universities (Accra, University of Ghana at Legon; and MIASA); Tamale University of Development Studies, Millar Institute For Transdisciplinary and Development Studies, Bolgatanga; Kwame Nkrumah University for Science and Technology Kumasi, Ghana
- Kenya: University of Nairobi (IDS), Moi University, Catholic University of Eastern Africa, PAL (People's Action for Learning Network), AERC (African Economic Research Consortium),
- Mauritius: University of Mauritius; Adalabs
- Morocco: NIMAR and their Moroccan partner universities, including Université Internationale de Rabat, Université Mohamed V in Rabat, Université Hassan II in Casablanca
- Mozambique: UEM Maputo
- Niger: LASDEL, Niamey
- Nigeria: University of Lagos; University of Ilorin; Alex Ekwueme Fed. University in Ebonyi State; Africa in Motion; FON & NFTI
- Rwanda: University of Rwanda (a.o. ACE-DS) and Ethnographic Museum Rwanda
- Senegal: CODESRIA (Dakar), Université Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar, Université Gaston Berger in Saint-Louis
- South Africa: Machine Intelligence Institute of Africa, Nelson Mandela University, Rhodes University, UCT, UKZN, University of Stellenbosch, UWC, Wits, University of the Free State, University of Johannesburg
- Tanzania: University of Dar Es Salaam
- Uganda: Makerere University, Ruforum, Kampala, Advance Afrika
- Zambia: University of Zambia
- Also, from Lebanon: The Arab Council for the Social Sciences
- Also, from Thailand: Kasetsart University
- Also, from India: Ambedkar University
Africa Knows! team in the Netherlands
- ASC Leiden (ASCL): core team: Prof. dr Jan-Bart Gewald (host), Rik Jongenelen, Dr Mayke Kaag, Prof. dr Chibuike Uche, Fenneken Veldkamp, Dr Harry Wels (also Vrije Universiteit); others: Dr Akinyinka Akinyoade, Dr Azeb Amha, Dr Lidewyde Berckmoes, Trudi Blomsma, Jos Damen, Prof. dr Marleen Dekker (also for INCLUDE), Madi Ditmars, Prof. dr Rijk van Dijk, Tycho van der Hoog, Dr Abdourahmane Idrissa (also representing Lasdel Niamey), Dr Agnieszka Kazimierczuk, Dr André Leliveld, Ursula Oberst, Dr Annachiara Raia;
- LeidenASA: core team: Prof. dr Ton Dietz (co-chair, also ASCL), Dr David Ehrhardt (co-chair, also LUC), Maaike Westra (ASCL), Marieke van Winden (ASCL); others: Dr Felix Ameka (LUCL), Dr Caroline Archambault, (LUC) Prof. dr Mirjam de Bruijn (History; also ASCL), Prof. dr Léon Buskens (NIMAR, Rabat), Dr Caroline Jacobs (VVI), Dr Corinna Jentzsch (Political Science), Dr Rudolf de Jong (NVIC, Cairo), Dr Aarti Kawlra (IIAS), Prof. dr Maarten Mous (LUCL), Dr Philippe Peycam (IIAS), Prof. dr Peter Pels (CAOS), Bert van Pinxteren (LUCL), Prof. dr Mirjam van Reisen (Faculty of Science; also Tilburg University), Dr Ingrid Samset (LUC), Larissa Schulte Nordholt (History), Nadia Sonneveld (Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society, Leiden Law School), Prof. dr Marja Spierenburg (CAOS), Dr Paul van der Velde (ICAS-IIAS), Prof. dr Maria Yazdanbakhsh (LUMC);
- NUFFIC: David van Kampen, Freddy Weima, Samira Zafar;
- De Haagse Hogeschool/The Hague University for Applied Sciences: Jos Beelen, Irenee Dondjio, Antonio Frank, Marina Labrana, Dr Abiola Makinwa, Rajash Rawal, Dr Jos Walenkamp;
- EUR: Prof. dr Jan Nouwen (ERASMUS MC), Prof. dr Rob van Tulder (RSM/PrC), Dr Sietze Vellema (RSM/PrC, also Wageningen), Dr Solomon Zori (RSM);
- EUR-ISS: Dr Antony Ongayo (co-ordination), with input from Prof. dr Arjun Bedi, Prof. dr Thea Hilhorst, Prof. dr Wil Hout, Prof. dr Peter Knorringa, dr Auma Okwany, Dr Zemzem Shigute Shuka;
- Delft University of Technology: Dr Ir Maurits Ertsen, Dr Hessel Winsemius;
- IHE Delft: Dr Emanuele Fantini;
- Wageningen University and Research: Prof. dr Cees Leeuwis, dr Sietze Vellema (also RSM), Shiferaw Tafesse, Elias Damtew, Dr Jennie van der Mheen;
- Wageningen: the Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation: Ken Lohento;
- Wageningen: iCRA: Richard Hawkins;
- Vrije Universiteit: Dr Henk van den Heuvel, Dr Harry Wels (also ASCL);
- Groningen University: Dr Stephen Adaawan;
- Radboud University Nijmegen: Dr Lothar Smith, Dr Joris Schapendonk;
- Tilburg University: Prof. dr Mirjam van Reisen (also Leiden University);
- The National Museum of World Cultures: Dr Annette Schmidt;
- ECDPM Maastricht: Jean Bossuyt, San Billal;
- The Food & Business Knowledge Platform: Dr Anika Altaf, Frans Verberne;
- INCLUDE Knowledge Platform: Prof. dr Marleen Dekker, Dr Agnieszka Kazimierczuk;
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Prof. dr Dirk-Jan Koch, Paul Litjens, Tijmen Rosenboom;
- NABC: Dennis Acquaye, Marina Diboma;
- LinkedInAfrica: Nouria Ouibrahim;
- Edukans: Ivonne de Moor, Pieter Stoer, Brigitte Cerfontaine, Mark Hoeksma;
- Aflatoun International: James Lawrie, Livia Remeijers;
- Voice4Thought: Prof. Dr Mirjam de Bruijn (also Leiden University), Laurens Nijzink;
- Advisors/Team (co-)chairs from AEGIS Centres, and other European Partners: Prof. dr Victor Adetula (NAI Uppsala), Dr David Ambrosetti (LAM Bordeaux), Dr Oliver Bakewell (University of Manchester), Dr Marie-Pierre Ballarin (URMIS Paris), Dr Maria-Antonia Barreto (Lisbon), Prof. dr Michael Bollig (Cologne), Dr Anna-Maria Brandstetter (Mainz), Prof. dr Clara Carvalho (Lisbon), Dr Britta Frede (Universität Bayreuth), Dr Clemens Greiner (Cologne), Dr Hana Horakova (CAAS, Metropolitan University Prague), Dr Marie Hüber (Humboldt Universität Berlin), Dr Juliet Kamau (University of Bonn), Prof. dr Thomas Kirsch (Konstanz), Prof. Erika Kraemer Mbula (College of Business and Economics, University of Johannesburg), Dr Thomas Molony (Edinburgh), Prof. dr Detlef Müller Mahn (Bonn), Prof. dr Wim Naudé (Aachen), Prof. Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni (Bayreuth), Dr Albert Roca (Barcelona), Dr Stephanie Rudwick (University Of Hradec Kralove), Prof. dr Josef Schmied (University of Chemnitz), Prof. dr Rüdiger Seesemann (Bayreuth), Dr Josiane Tantchou (LAM Bordeaux/CNRS), Prof. dr Katherine Wimpenny (Coventry University), Prof. dr Steven van Wolputte (Leuven);
- Advisors/Panel (co-)convenors or discussants from partners in Africa and elsewhere: Dr Lloyd Amoah (University of Ghana), Sharon Atukunda (Advance Afrika), Dr Yacouba Banhoro (University of Ouagadougou), Dr Chrissie Boughey (Rhodes University), Prof. Etienne Ehouan Ehile (AAU, Accra), Dr Chika Ezeanya Esiobu (various), Anthony Egeru (RUFORUM, Dr Abel Ezeoha (Alex Ekwueme Federal University), Prof. Muyiwa Falaiye (University of Lagos), Dr Adom Getachew (University of Chicago), Dr Cornelius Hagenmeier (University of the Free State), Dr Lalita Hanwong (Kasetsart University), Dr Webby Kalikiti (University of Zambia), Dr John Kamara (Nelson Mandela University/ Adalabs), Dr Paul Kamau (University of Nairobi), Dr Leander Kandilige (University of Ghana), Prof. Patrício Langa (Eduardo Mondlane), Dr Frédérique Louveau (Gaston Berger University, Saint-Louis), Dr Jacques Ludik (Machine Intelligence Institute of Africa &, Cortex Group), Dr Nkululeko Mabandla (University of Cape Town), Dr Sioux McKenna (Rhodes University), Dr Mustapha Mekideche (Algeria), Prof. David Millar (Millar Institute For Transdisciplinary And Development Studies, Bolgatanga, Ghana), Dr Enocent Msindo (Rhodes University), Dr Nicholas Mugabi (Makerere University), Dr Hassan Ndzovu (Moi University), Dr Rohit Negi (Ambedkar University), Prof. Samuel Nyanchoga (The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya), Dr Ibrahim Oanda (CODESRIA), Dr Francis Obeng (University for Development Studies, Abiodun Odunuga (Friends of Nigeria/FON, Nigeria-France Tech Initiative NFTI), Dr Abena Oduro (MIASA University of Ghana), Dr Anthony Okeregbe (University of Lagos), Dr Taiwo Oloruntoba-Oju (University of Ilorin), Dr Ato Onoma (CODESRIA), Dr Ciraj Rassool (University of the Western Cape), Sara Ruto (PAL Network), Dr Natewinde Sawadogo (University of Ouaga II), Prof. Abdourahmane Seck (Université Gaston Berger), Dr Mathew Senga (University of Dar Es Salaam), Dr Senzokuhle Doreen Setume (University of Botswana), Prof. Vijaya Teelock (University of Mauritius), Prof. Dzodzi Tsikata (University of Ghana).
Preparatory logistics are in the hands of NomadIT (who have organized various ECAS conferences to-date).
* This conference took place from December 2020 to February 2021 *
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